EIA Single Sign-On Registration
Get your Single Sign On identity
Date: 09/15/2024
The information supplied on this page applies to the Single Sign On user who reports the data to EIA. Information about the survey contact (the person who would get a call about questionable or missing data and who may be a different person from the SSO user) is updated either within the survey application or by writing to eia-XXX@eia.doe.gov where XXX is the survey number, depending on the survey.
Please provide some basic contact information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Phone Extension:
Email Address:
Please choose a userid and password:
Userid Rules:
use a minimum of 5 characters
use alpha-numeric characters and underscores only
Password Rules:
use a minimum of 9 characters
use a special character (!@#$%^&*)
use at least one lowercase letter
use at least one uppercase letter
use at least one numeric character
do not include the userid in the password
Retype Password:
* Required